N° 72 - oct. 2007
and media
by Valérie BONNET and
Robert BOURE
Valérie BONNET, Robert BOURE, Médias
et cultures sportives. Discours sur des pratiques et discours
des pratiques [Text in french]
Modes of visualizing
sport competitions
Jean-François DIANA, Sports slow motion on TV. Between apparent and real
Daniel JACOBI, Joël JACOBI, A sports show yet to be invented : live bullfighting
on television
Valérie BONNET, Robert
BOURE, Jean-Michel CASSAGNE, The values of
rugby in the media commentaries
Patrick BOUCHET,
Fanzines: an identity media of Ultra soccer fan
Christine MENESSON, Pierre-Emmanuel
Images of « immigrants
» in regional press sports articles
Vincent CHARLOT, Jean-Paul CLEMENT, Blacks
and Whites : sporting clichés and racial clichés.
The case of Pau in French professional basketball
The media: deciders in the sporting world?
Gérard DEREZE, Thierry ZINTZ, Médias
et petits sports en Belgique francophone
Guillaume CARAYRE, Les
images plurielles de la capoeira confrontées au projet
de fédération sportive délégataire
Claudette PEYRUSSE, Le
rugby du Midi toulousain au cinéma. Absence, stéréotypie
et folklorisation d'un sport identitaire
Jean-Pascal FONTORBES, Le
rugby et la mise en scène des corps. Le
rugby dans le cuir (1985), un parti pris documentaire
Guy LOCHARD, Modes of visualizing sport competitions
This article rejects the pessimistic
view of the media changing the nature of sport, and it alternatively
recommends a methodical analysis of their processes, mainly on
television. Based on numerous studies published over the past
twenty years about the visualization of sports, the article proposes
a typology of observable modes of visualization around the world
(display, narrative, demonstrative, energetic, aesthetic modes).
As a conclusion it calls for reflection on the diverse and complex
skills that each of these modes require.
Key words: sport, television,
televised account, display, device, visualization.
Sports slow motion on TV. Between
apparent and real modernity
« The central figure of
filmed sport », according to the expression used by Charles
Tesson (1998), slow motion is, on its own, the epitome of the
modernity of these media events, which have become one of the
most attractive phenomena of our era. As an aesthetic and experimental
process, slow motion is first and foremost the imaginary link
that the public creates with sports events. Indeed, the global
presence of a sport or a competition relies on its ability to
conform with the limits of the media language of TV, and on the
ambiguous representation of its complexity. Slow motion is used
by the media more to create a plausible representation of sport
than to show its true reality.
Key words: Image, media,
slow motion, modernity, sport, audio-visual writing.
A sports show yet to be invented
: live bullfighting on television
Could bullfighting be broadcast
just like any other sporting event in France ? It's not sure
that bullfighting could compare with prime sports events on television
even if filmed live with sufficient technical means. There is
no suspense linked to the outcome, no goals or tries to wait for
and no fans shouting their support to their team. Bullfighting
is a subtle and complicated show targeted at a restricted audience
of « connoisseurs ». This is not because it is seen
as barbaric by some Europeans but because imaginary signifiers
remain to be invented to reach a larger audience.
Key words : sports shows, bullfighting,
television, connoisseurs, France.
BONNET, Robert BOURE, Jean-Michel CASSAGNE, The
values of rugby in the media commentaries
The world of rugby is highly
attached to its values, shared in the field, as well as in everyday
life. It's a well-known fact that the « metalanguage »
of the members of this microcosm is filled with references to
the values, but the question is to know if this statement is valid
for the media devoted to this sport. This question amounts to
analysing the statements devoted to the values by socially located
figures in very specific situations of communication, observed
in a delimited corpus (France 2 and Midi Olympique).
Key words : sport, rugby, media,
values, terms, statements, commentators.
Fanzines: an identity media of Ultra
soccer fan groups
In a media panorama of sport,
football (soccer) appears omnipresent because of its worldwide
success, its stars and its cultural impact on society. In this
context, this article seeks to differentiate the methods of identity
construction of two groups of soccer Ultras fans from the city
of Marseille while associating an ethno-sociological analysis
of their cultural and organisational context, a psychosocial approach
of their own media called fanzine. It appears that The Ultra Commando
group develops a conservative posture in that its national culture
becomes a criteria of reference for ethnocentric fans. The South
Winners group develops a syncretistic posture defending the multicultural
identity of Marseille. It seems that the analysis of the identification
media called fanzine, on the increase in professional soccer,
enriches our knowledge of Ultra soccer groups, because it represents
a means of communication and expression corresponding to their
culturally and socially built identity.
Key words: fanzine, identity,
Ultra sport fans, social sciences.
Images of « immigrants »
in regional press sports articles
This article analyses the images
of sportsmen who are « immigrant or stemming from immigration
» in the regional press. The data reveal the importance
of sport, compared with other domains such as the arts and entertainment
or politics, in the presentation of the category under study.
The media coverage of sports immigrants is also characterized
by a strong process of assimilation to the local area, which tends
to dilute the signs of cultural membership. The portraits of sports
champions show positive images of immigration, while nourishing
a diffuse process of ethnicisation. These exemplary heroes indeed
symbolize a very stereotypical model of success.
Key words: sport, regional
press, immigrants, assimilation, ethnicisation.
Blacks and Whites : sporting clichés
and racial clichés. The case of Pau in French professional
Professional basketball represents
one of the sports fields with the largest number of coloured athletes.
Its media coverage highlights constant links between different
skills and styles of playing and racial characteristics. In fact,
it maintains some racial « clichés », particularly
widespread in the usa. Because of its important number of black
players (Afro Americans, French players of African origin or from
the French overseas territories), top level basketball represents
a privileged ground of investigation into the relationship between
ethnic membership and the sports field. Based on the results of
a multiple scale survey carried out on a French professional basketball
club based in Pau (through questionnaires, interviews and analysis
of specialized media) the purpose of this study is to examine
the impact on the supporters of the club of this specific media
coverage related to the ethnicity of players.
Key words: media coverage,
racial distinction, stereotypes, basketball, ideal type.
The media: deciders in the sporting
In 2006 the worldwide television
rights market could be estimated at sixty billion euros; the rights
linked directly to televised sport alone went up 993% between
1991 and 2001. Behind these statistics lies the unbalanced relationship
between sport and television. If sport is important for television
companies the latter are vital for sport. Television makes and
breaks different sports. The promotion of sport through the media
takes place in different ways but there is no real diversity of
sport on television. While the most popular sports sell their
rights to the highest bidder, many others depend on the goodwill
of television companies and are willing to make any regulatory
modifications necessary to gain the favour of broadcasters. These
abrupt changes in sport rules make us wonder if certain sport
federations haven't lost their soul and they cast doubt on the
very essence of their sport by excessively formatting it to fit
television standards. Television seeks above all to entertain
and give its viewers a show; it is difficult to reduce sport to
the level of a simple show.
Key words : television,
sports show, broadcasting rights, programmes, sports rules.