Sciences de la Société- N° 52 - février 2001
Économie,politique, morale et société
Dossier coordonnépar Patrick Chaskiel

Patrick Chaskiel,Debatesin social theories
Niklas Luhmann, Economyas an autopoietic system. (1) & (2)
Stefano Petrucciani,Universalethics and democratic policy in Habermas’ proposals
Hans Joas, Value pluralism and moral universalism
Jacques Bidet, Modernity, ultimodernity,post-modernity
Jean Cartelier, Money : from the economicconcept to social relations
Heiner Ganßmann, Money asa social fact

Guy Jalabert
, The city : an autonomousresearch object or a society mirror ? (1) Economic changes and urban growth





















PatrickChaskiel, Debates in social theories

As a discussionof the contributions, this text aims to throw light on some conceptualissues in social theory matters. For instance, the " moneypuzzle " appears to be indicative of the difficultiesmet when trying to answer the persistent question of how socialorder is possible. Similarly, research into the foundations ofethics and values reveals a pluralism of possibles approachesand consequently a continuing debate on their origins.

Keywords : order,ethics, values, money, economics.

















Niklas Luhmann,Economy as an autopoietic system. (1) and (2)

This textdescribes the economy of society as an autopoietic system. Sucha system is made of monetary payments which are reproduced bythe means of monetary payments. The economic system is closedsince it is made of payments and of nothing else. But it’salso open by adapting itself to the needs of its environment.Thus, its closure is the condition of its openness.

Keywords :system, autopoiesis, money, communication, medium.
























StefanoPetrucciani, Universal ethics and democratic policyin Habermas’ proposals

In his recentresearch, Habermas examines the links between ethical and legalnorms. An analysis of his proposals shows that, despite what hesays, Habermas does not place the two dimensions on the same level.His conceptual construction makes them derive from a third one :discourse ethics. Thus, the habermassian argumentation revealsan internal weakness in that it tends not to distinguish betweennormativism and description. An improved approach to politicalaction would thefore seem necessary.

Keywords :norms, ethics, law, discussion, action.


















Hans Joas,Value pluralism and moral universalism

This textdiscusses the possibility of building an approach combining valuepluralism and moral universalism, using pragmatist theory andRicoeur’s idea of " crible des normes ".Thus, it refers to Isaiah Berlin’s proposals to defend valuepluralism, which have two weaknesses : their voluntarismand their historicism. It seems thefore necessary to distinguishsocial integration and cultural integration.

Keywords :values, norms, ethics, action, pragmatism.





















Jacques Bidet,Modernity, ultimodernity, post-modernity

Referringto previous research work dealing with the elaboration of a theoryof meta/structure, this article analyses capitalism with politicalphilosophy concepts. Thus, it shows that, inside nations, twoeconomic poles are articulated : market and organization,co-implication between inter-individual contractualities and centralone. In the world-system, however, market totalitarianism dominates.Post-modernity would imply the emergence of immediate communicationinstead of market and organization mediations.

Keywords :market, organization, modernity, contract, world.














JeanCartelier, Money : from the economic concept to socialrelations

This textpresents a critical analysis of the academic theory of money equilibriumin that this theory fails to account for money in a satisfactoryway. Furthermore, the text provides proposals for theorising monetaryeconomy as a starting-point. It shows the need to consider moneythrough its social dimensions. These proposals therefore havesome similarities with Luhmann’s ones.

Keywords :money, barter, equilibrium, society, autopoiesis.


















Heiner Ganßmann,Money as a social fact

This textaims to make a step towards the resolution of the " moneypuzzle ". To go in this direction, Searle’s proposalsabout the definition of " social facts " appearto be a powerful means of showing that money is a social factneeding language to exist. Taking into account but going wellbeyond Habermas and Luhmann theories, it seems possible to relatemoney to the idea of domination in the Marxian and Weberian traditions.

Keywords :monnaie, language, Searle, social, rules.