SCIENCES DE LASOCIÉTÉ- N° 52, 53, 54 - 2002
The city : an autonomous research object or a society mirror ?
Chroniquepar  GuyJalabert, Univ. Toulouse-Le Mirail

1.  Economic changes and urban growth
2.  Social change and urban dispersion  (abstract)
3.  City and urban policies : from local authorities to urban governance (abstract)





















1. Economicchanges and urban growth

How havecities developed and been transformed, in a more and more internationalizedeconomic system ? This first article, based on research carriedout over the last ten years, deals with the connections betweeneconomic mutations, localization of activities and territorialorganization of urban areas. A first way of analysing the situationparticulary underlined the relationship between industries andterritories, following the crisis of fordism : technologic parks,industrial districts, local productive systems. More broadly,there has been growth in studies about « metropolisation», a word used by French researchers to mean the processof concentration of activities and people in the largest cities,where services sectors have been constantly developing, whilesocio-spatial disparities increased.

Keywords : economicchange, industrial districts, local productive systems, metropolisation,technologic parks.















2.  Social change andurban dispersion

During thelast two decades, research on the connection between city lifeand society has particularly emphasised social reconstructionassociated with mutations in the economic system. Restructuringof the labour market and employment, recurrent housing problems,socio-spatial segregation, urban acts of violence, city policyhave been the main approaches mentioned in the rather pessimisticliterature dealing with urban society.

Keywords : urbanemployment, urban job market, unemployment, housing, socio-spatialsegregation, urban violence, social streaming













3.  Cityand urban policies : from local authorities to urban governance

The studiesof local authorities in the course of the 70's has given way tothe study of urban governance. Decentralization and decliningstate power, contractual policies, and the private sector's newposition account for the changes in city management. Will recentlaws on durable town and country planning, intermunicipality,renewal and solidarity allow coherence in functional territoriesand management territories, economic development, environmentand social balance ?

Keyswords : localauthorities, decentralization, urban governance, intermunicipality,urban planning.