SCIENCES DE LA SOCIÉTÉ - N° 58 - février 2003
University and governance
Dossier coordonné par Jean-Louis DARRÉON et Daniel FILÂTRE

Jean-Louis DARRÉON, University at the risk of governance?
Christine MUSSELIN, Stéphanie MIGNOT-GÉRARD, Towards autonomy, but with measured steps
José ROSE, The slow assertion of university-policies or the university art of the patchwork
François-Xavier FORT, The contract policy, a tool for the reinforcement of university autonomy
Daniel FILÂTRE, Christelle MANIFET, University and territory : new relations, new challenges
Patrick LAURENS, Communication against education ? The problematic of training evaluation by students at university
Jean-Yves LEROUX, The professional degree and the future of universities
Jean-Émile CHARLIER, Frédéric MONS, Managing universities in French-speaking Belgium
Jean BERNATCHEZ, The Quebec experiment in the agreement of contracts of performance between the State and the universities
Cécile DEER, The political changes and the evolution of practice in university governance in England

, Culture and information and communication sciences (1) Epistemologic markers and cross-theories




















Christine MUSSELIN, Stéphanie MIGNOT-GÉRARD, Towards autonomy, but with measured steps

Comparing the results of field studies led in the 80s' on the government of French universities with the conclusions of a more recent research on the same issue, the two authors point out the in-depth andimportant transformations experienced by these French higher education institutions and their move towards more autonomous managementstyles. But they also identify remaining obstacles which do notchallenge the mutation in process but slow it down and lead tothe conclusion that autonomy is developing but with measured steps.

Keywords: French universities, governement, autonomy, change, leadership.











José ROSE, The slow assertion of university-policies or the university art of the patchwork

Startingfrom recent publications and from my personal experience as amember of a university management team, this essay investigatesthe implemention of a university policy. Three evaluation criteriaare to be distinguished : autonomy, independence and consistency.They are not easy to implement as decisions are made at a greatnumber of levels and by numerous governing bodies, especiallyat faculty and academic field levels. Nevertheless, such universitypolicies can be set up by using available incentive tools suchas the university project whose major source of interest is toplace priorities on the fore front.

Keywords: University, decision, organization, power, government.












François-Xavier FORT,The contract policy, a tool for the reinforcement of university autonomy

Since 1989, the Government has usedagreements in the relationship between universities and the Ministryof education. An agreement allows a negotiated implementationof service of university autonomy. The contract policy is nowthe symbol of a greater liberty for French universities. Agreementsbetween the State and universities appear to be an adequate solutionin front of current challenges. This solution introduces new methods,negotiation and dialogue. So, universities have now more freedomto define their own future.

Keywords : Universities, autonomy,contractualism, liability, univesity policy, univesity project.













Daniel FILÂTRE, Christelle MANIFET
, University and territory : new relations, new challenges

Based on the recent university developmentof the French middle-sized towns, this article deals with thequestion of university government. The argument explains thatthe meeting between university and territory forces the universitygovernment to be in keeping with a double logic : a logic of externalcooperation and a logic of internal structuration. To argue aboutthis idea, the study first analyses the history and consequencesof the process of "territorialisation" in French universities,in its historical funds and consequences. Then, this process hasto be linked with the general debate of the dynamics of changein public policy in Europe. In this respect, the question of universitygovernment could be approach as a problem of local governance.This model of governance based on new forms of partenarial runningemphasises the capacity of universities to govern themselves.

Keywords : universities, territory, governance, local governance, paternarial running.












, Communication against education ? The problematic of training evaluation by students at university

The basic hypothesis of this paperis the existence of a communicational mutation of organizationsthat calls into question classical forms of authority. From thisapproach, we propose an interpretation of current debates aboutuniversity. The communicational mutation at university is particularlycharacterized by new attention provided to the training processwhich is increasingly viewed as the production of a service. Thisevolution questions the authority of the teacher traditionnallyfounded on the transmission of disciplinary erudite knowledge.The example of the implementation of course evaluation by studentsshows these transformations of the system regulation mode.

Keywords : Communication, education, training evaluation, authority.













Jean-Yves LEROUX
, The professional degree and the future of universities

This paper provides an economic analysis of the recent changes in the training supply of the universities.The purpose is to highlight, through the example of the recentlycreated professional degree, the meaning of these changes andto understand their impact on students and on university mangement.

Keywords : vocational training, bachelor professionnal degree, demand side, supply side, agencycosts.













Jean-Émile CHARLIER, Frédéric MONS,Managing universities in French-speaking Belgium

The principles of good management promoted by governance lead to a homogenisation of the running modes of public affairs. In French-speaking Belgiumuniversity education is usually regulated by political logicswhose objective is to preserve the diversity of sensitivitiesthanks to a variety of networks and a number of autonomous operators.Because of constraints that are external to the system ­ mainlyfinancial or due to international harmonisation ­ instrumentallogics are replacing these political management methods. Therefollows a remote governance, which imposes the questioning oftheir validity for the benefit of market logics by the operatorsthemselves, who have traditionally managed these balances.

Keywords: Belgium, competition, governance, pillarization, sociology, university.
















JeanBERNATCHEZ, The Quebec experiment in the agreement of contracts of performance between the State and the universities

The contract of performance is intended to become a key instrument in the reform of public management. Through this instrument, theMinistry of Education of Quebec and the universities in Quebecentered into a joint venture for the realization of an injectionof funds. The article defines all functional aspects of this contractof performance and portrays the relations between the Quebec Governmentand the universities. It also proposes an analysis of this experiment,defined as one of the aspects of policy of the Quebec Governmentin regard to universities. Two complementary approaches in additionto the analysis of the policies make it possible to consider,at the same time, the logics distal (the reference frame) andproximal (dynamics) which conditioned the achievement of thispolicy.

Keywords : contract of performance, universities, Quebec, policy analysis, neoliberalism.

















Cécile DEER, The political changes and the evolution of practice in university governance in England

This article attempts to reintegrate both the notion of university governance and recent evolutions in practice in this area into a more general understanding ofthe political and social reforms which have taken place in Englandover the last twenty years. Beyond seeking to establish parallelsbetween or underline shared characteristics among different areasof national politics during the period (e.g. privatisations, centralisation)the article tries to show how these different political, economic and social evolutions have interacted to explain the nature of the university reforms which have taken place as well as their implications.

Keywords : Universities, England, governance, reforms.




















, Culture and information and communication sciences (1) Epistemologic markers and cross-theories

Esta crónica (n° 58, 59, 60 ) indica como las ciencias de la información y de la comunicación pueden ayudar a la descripción y al entendimiento de los fenómenos culturales en sus cambios y ademas sus tensiones dentro de una sociedad dedicada a la globalización de los intercambios y a la industrialización de la cultura.En primer lugar fueron examinados los fenómenos culturales a partir de los discursos que conjugan objetos, condiciones de emergencia en el espacio público, conceptos que les aclaran y temas que les difunden. En segun lugar fué puesto en tela de juiciola legitimació de las políticas de dermocratización. Mientras que el arte padece de una falta de definición que su género se vuelve indefinido, que la estética se separa del artístico y se difunde en el conjunto de las actividades sociales, la administración de la cultura en su estabilidad y su evolución continua a intrumentalizar el arte a partir de categorías entorpecidas. Por fin hemos examinadode que manera la construcció de sí mismo y su lazo al otro implica la toma en cuenta de la dimensión dialógica de sujeto. Los actos de palabra y las expresiones de lenguaje se desplegan en un espacio-tiempo propuesto por la creación artística transformado por las tecnologías y regulado por las redes. Sin embargo, la identidad cultural se mantiene dentro de la tensión entre singularidad y universalidad ; se establece en la diversidad de los relatos y de su recepción.

Palabras claves : fenómenos culturales, arte, objetos, conceptos, estética, comunicación, espacio público, singularidad, universalidad.