SCIENCES DE LA SOCIÉTÉ - N° 60 - octobre 2003
Local democracy and Internet
Edited by Robert BOURE and Gérard LOISEAU

Robert BOURE, Gérard LOISEAU, Communication and local democracy. The coming back of politics  [Text in french]
Emmanuel EVENO, Soutien de l'Action concertée incitative-Ville (ACI-Ville)  [Text in french]
Rémi LEFEBVRE, Magali NONJON, Local democracy in France. Sources and uses
Isabelle PAILLIART, A short history of communication forms in local democracies
Pierre CHAMBAT, Electronic democracy. Some groundwork in the genealogy of an issue
Robert BOURE, Alain LEFEBVRE, Citizenship and « citadinity » in the inappropriately named « local electronic democracy »  [Text in french]
Gérard LOISEAU, The submission of local web sites to societal patterns
Stéphanie WOJCIK, Local electronic forums. An area of democratic debate ?  [Text in french]
Laurence MONNOYER-SMITH, The unmentioned challenges of electronic voting
Paul MATHIAS, The outline of the reticular democracy
Jérôme LANG, Electronic vote : algorithmic problems

Jean-Thierry JULIA
, Democracy looking for electronics... A metropolitan area network in Castres-Mazamet  [Text in french]
Nicolas PÉLISSIER, Information on line and public sphere in a cross-border region of the Central Europe


, Culture and the science of information and communication (3) Variations about cultural identity, disparity and exception

 ERRATUM : Le numéro 59 (mai 2003) - Technologies de l'information et de la communication : approches croisées - a été coordonné par Joëlle FARCHY, Alain RALLET et Fabrice ROCHELANDET.































Rémi LEFEBVRE, Magali NONJON, Local democracy in France. Sources and uses

This article offers some reflections on the renewal of local democracy in France since the 1980s. The aim is both to study the causes of this resurgence and to analyse the concrete and diverse experiments and practice to which it has given rise. This process needs to be situated in the history of local democracy, which is subject to constant rejuvenation. The recent evolution of the legal framework is the sign of a new institutionalisation, which does not preclude a high degree of indeterminacy. Proximity, materialised in neighbourhoods and their inhabitants, is at the heart of the legitimatising process to which participatory procedures are subject. The article shows that participation, even if it is used as an instrument by elected representatives, nonetheless contributes to a redefinition of the rules of the local political game.

Keywords : participatory democracy, neighbourhood councils, practice, proximity, crisis of representation, local.











Isabelle PAILLIART, A short history of communication forms in local democracies

The use of communication tools in order to develop local democracies has a long-standing tradition in municipal information. This tradition has existed in France since the 1920's and, ever since, municipal publications have served to enlighten their « citizens ». The 1970's was a particularly rich period, during which structures for participation were created, information tools multiplied, and conceptions and criticisms of local democracies confronted each other. In any case, the use of communication tools fits within a larger context than just the strengthening of local democracies which includes improving local public services, increasing visibility of power, and justifying municipal decisions. Between these two periods, common points emerge; communication tools show that the notions of democracy and of public opinion and even the relation between citizens and power have evolved over time.

Keywords : municipal communication, local authority, new communication technology, local democracy, dialogue, opinion.












Pierre CHAMBAT, Electronic democracy. Some groundwork in the genealogy of an issue

The purpose of this article is to examine the relevance of the idea of electronic democracy. This idea is based on an association between democracy and communication which raises many issues because of the polysemy of both notions and the risk of lapsing into technological determinism. That is why the question of electronic democracy is then placed in an historical perspective : that of entrusting political questions to technology. Since World War II, three periods can be distinguished by intersecting three criteria : the political problems under consideration, the technology favoured and the ideological orientations present.

Keywords : political science, electronic democracy, historical perspective, technological determinism.













, Citizenship and « citadinity » in the inappropriately named « local electronic democracy »

In this article, a survey of different meanings that social science assigns to citizenship and « citadinity » is carried out first. These can be ambiguous, often disconnected and sometimes intersecting. Then, backed up by mainly empirical-theoretical research on the social use of Internet at a local level, the authors show that these two notions can be considered together and in counterpoint. This approach helps to partially renew ways of looking at democracy.

Keywords : citizenship, citadinity , communication netwoks, local public space, proximity, social sciences













, The submission of local web sites to societal patterns

Local web sites (IWS) are supposed to meet, partly, the target of a growing participation of citizens in town politics. Our last investigations show that, out of 317 web sites of French towns of more than 20,000 inhabitants in 2002, this political display amounts to scant implementation of electronic instruments for democracy. Our article, based on these findings, attempts to bring up to date some of the societal patterns perceptible in the local management of IWS, the influence of national politics and local practices of political participation which are at the base of a situation that refutes the euphoric terms previously used concerning the ineluctability of electronic democracy.

Keywords : participation, local democracy, the Internet, social patterns.















Stéphanie WOJCIK
, Local electronic forums. An area of democratic debate ?

In a context where the efficiency and legitimacy of public action would seem to claim for a growing participation of citizens in collective decisions, the means available for communicating political information and above all the quality of Internet activity have given rise to the idea of this media as being predisposed to political interaction and participation. At a local level, measures such as chat rooms result in having to reconsider the debate, one of the key elements in the democratic process, in its electronic modes. From the observation of 45 French towns' local chat rooms, this article specifically questions how representative and competent Internet users are in debating on local political issues, how the local authority deals with this verbal interaction and how it could be articulated with political decisions.

Keywords : debate, the Internet, local democracy, towns.














Laurence MONNOYER-SMITH, The unmentioned challenges of electronic voting

This article first focuses on the different types of electronic voting systems and offers a synthesis on European voting pilot schemes. It then stresses that the main challenges of the local implementation of e-voting are not technological ones but rather lie in the perception of citizenship from which these new voting platforms have been conceived. We then insist on the need for public debate to expose the contradictory aspects of citizenship and consequently develop new voting procedures and political participation in a broader sense.

Keywords : e-voting, Internet, citizenship, technical mediation, secrecy and security.

















Paul MATHIAS, The outline of the reticular democracy

In guaranteeing an equitable distribution at a local level of instruments of political, economic and social action, the Internet seems to hold promise of becoming the preferential sphere for exercising the democratic process. The difficulties such a process has to overcome cannot, however, be reduced to matters of technological equipment and competence. In truth, what is at stake for a reticular democracy is of the hermeneutical order, and amounts to the effective but laborious reckoning with the expression of a public opinion which is very narrowly regio-nal and basically insignificant.

Keywords : Internet, democracy, networks, public sphere, citizenship, technology, e-vote.


















Jérôme LANG, Electronic vote : algorithmic problems

This short article gives a few informal elements for analyzing the so-called « computational » problems raised by electronic vote, i.e., the algorithmic difficulties involved in the implemen-tation of effective computation procedures for solving the problems posed, and briefly investigates the solutions that computer science (and more specifically, operation research and artificial intelligence) brings for solving these complex problems.

Keywords : e-vote, computation, operation research, artificial intelligence.